Established in 2023, SOTC (Second Opinion Tax Consultants Ltd.) provides a second opinion review regarding Corporate Income Tax and HST (Harmonized sales Taxes). Our goal is the minimization of corporate taxes through efficient tax planning and tax recovery programs available at the Federal and Provincial levels. These programs are available to all corporations, yet many don’t know they exist
As the firm’s principal, I have over 32 years of experience with the Income and Sales Tax Department (CRA). During my tenure with the CRA I had the opportunity to conduct audits at small to medium corporations (3 years); handle Notices of Objection, deal with the Department of Justice and Department of Finance (3 years); conducting reviews on Tax Avoidance (2 years); managed a team of corporate income tax and HST auditors (12 years), conducted audits of large corporations; and served as acting manager of a team dealing with domestic, tax avoidance and international issues (12 years).
Over 32 years with CRA, I was exposed to and obtained critical knowledge and insights of Income Tax and Excise legislation and their respective policies and procedural intricacies.
My educational qualifications include Accounting from the Business School, Patras, Greece; Finance and Economics from the University of Western Ontario; Accounting from Wilfred Laurier University; a Masters degree in US accounting and Tax from the Niagara University, New York; accreditation with the Certified Management Accountants of Ontario (CMA) and Chartered Public Accountants of Ontario (CPA) – Currently not an active member of the CPA.
Our Mission
Minimizing tax liability. Optimizing revenue.
My goal is to help clients minimize their tax liability through proper tax planning, discovering their entitlements in current tax incentive programs, and defending their rights and dealing with the CRA, Department of Justice and the courts. Our actions will always be governed accordingly to the intent and spirit of the legislation.
Our Values.
Fierce pursuit of what’s best for the client. Expert interpretation and application of tax legislation.